accidents & surgery

Post-surgical care is crucial to achieve proper recovery and minimize complications afterward.

Post-surgical care refers to the procedures and medical attention given to a patient after surgery, and it should be a vital part of the 310 million surgeries performed every year.

After the surgery, the medical care you receive will depend on the type of surgery you had and your individual requirements. There are several important steps involved in your recovery. First, professionals help you deal with symptoms like pain and discomfort through medication, ice packs, or heat therapy. They will also care for your wound by cleaning it and changing your dressings regularly. Doctors will also monitor for signs of infection, like redness or swelling, and handle them accordingly. Finally, they might suggest doing physical therapy for faster recovery once you’re discharged.

person doing physical therapy to heal their leg

Post-surgical care ensures proper healing, manages pain, prevents complications, and facilitates a successful recovery

woman getting bandages on her foot

Post-surgical care is important because it helps your body heal properly after surgery, manages any pain or discomfort you may have, and reduces the risk of complications. You can return to your normal daily activities as soon as possible by following steps such as cleaning your wounds to prevent infection and closely monitoring your recovery to catch issues early.

Post-surgical care can also minimize the risk of future health problems associated with surgery. For example, physical therapy after orthopedic surgery can help prevent stiffness and reduce the risk of falls. Overall, patients who receive high-quality care are more likely to have positive outcomes and a successful recovery.

physical therapist helping a patient walk

Physical therapy after orthopedic surgery can help patients regain muscle strength and mobility.

Physical therapy is an important form of post-surgical care that helps patients regain strength and mobility after a surgical procedure.

Patients work with a licensed physical therapist who develops a personalized treatment plan based on the person’s individual needs and goals. Physical therapy can benefit patients in several ways, such as improving range of motion, reducing pain and inflammation, preventing muscle atrophy, and promoting overall healing. For example, after orthopedic surgery, physical therapy can help patients regain the ability to perform daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs, and lifting objects. Physical therapy can also decrease the chances of future injuries by improving strength and balance, reducing the risk of falls, and promoting healthy movement patterns.