natural ailments

Shoulder, Hip, and Knee Pain Usually Result from Aging or Joint Trauma

Over 350 million people worldwide suffer from shoulder, hip, or knee pain, which is a condition characterized by discomfort, inflammation, and limited mobility in the affected joint.

Shoulder pain can stem from different sources, like rotator cuff injuries or frozen shoulder syndrome. Symptoms include difficulty moving the arm, pain when lifting, and numbness or tingling. Knee pain can be caused by anything from an ACL tear to good old-fashioned arthritis. Watch out for swelling, stiffness, and the dreaded "popping" sound when you bend your knee. Hip pain, on the other hand, can be brought on by hip bursitis or osteoarthritis. You might feel it in the groin or outer hip area, which can make walking or sitting pretty uncomfortable.

woman touching her hips due to pain

Shoulder, Hip, and Knee Pain can Affect Your Posture and Impair Your Balance and Mobility

woman touching her back due to pain

When you're dealing with shoulder, hip, or knee pain, it can have a ripple effect on your body. One of the consequences is that it may mess with your posture. You might find yourself unintentionally adjusting your body position to avoid putting pressure on the painful joint. These posture changes can strain different muscles and joints, potentially causing discomfort in other areas of your body.

Shoulder, hip, or knee pain can also hinder your ability to perform everyday tasks with ease. For instance, shoulder pain can make extending your arm to reach objects or carry groceries difficult. Hip or knee pain may impede your ability to walk or navigate stairs, forcing you to take cautious and limited steps. These limitations can be frustrating and impact your independence and quality of life.

physical therapist massaging a patient's back

Reduce Shoulder, Hip, or Knee Pain and Improve Mobility at Bend Physical Therapy

Physical therapy might not sound like the most exciting activity, but it can make a huge difference in managing shoulder, hip, or knee pain.

During a session, a trained physical therapist will work with you to design a personalized treatment plan that targets the specific areas causing discomfort. They'll guide you through exercises that improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion while teaching you proper techniques to prevent further injury. Physical therapy can also include modalities such as the AlterG® Zero Gravity treadmill to help relieve pain and promote healing. A dedication to your physical therapy program will likely improve your pain levels and overall function, which can get you back to doing the activities you love.