accidents & surgery

Sprains, strains, fractures, and tennis elbows usually result from practicing sports or being highly active.

Athletes are at a higher risk for certain types of physical injuries due to the requirements of their sports. The demands placed on their bodies can lead to various kinds of injuries, but fortunately, most of these injuries are quite common and treatable.

Sprains, for instance, occur when ligaments are stretched or torn, usually resulting from sudden movements or awkward landings. On the other hand, strains affect the muscles or tendons and often arise from excessive stretching or overexertion. As you may already know, fractures are breaks or cracks in bones, often caused by impacts or repetitive stress. Lastly, overuse injuries occur due to repetitive motions or excessive strain on a particular body part, such as tendinitis or stress fractures. While these injuries are prevalent in the world of sports, athletes can continue doing what they love with reduced risks if they get proper treatment and take preventive measures.

physical therapist helping a patient stretch her arm

Common sports injuries like strains and shin splints affect performance, mobility, and balance.

physical therapist helping a patient stretch their leg

Injuries can significantly impact an athlete's performance, mobility, and balance. Sometimes, they can even stop someone from practicing the sport they love.

For example, a sprained ankle can limit an athlete's ability to run and jump, while a shoulder injury can impair their ability to throw or swing. Overuse injuries, such as tennis elbow or shin splints, can cause chronic pain and take a toll on how an athlete trains and competes. In some cases, injuries can also hinder an athlete's balance, coordination, and overall mobility, making it difficult to perform daily activities or participate in their sport. Proper injury prevention strategies, early intervention, and appropriate treatment with manual therapy can help athletes recover from injuries and prevent future ones.

physical therapist helping a patient stretch their leg

Manual therapy can reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and decrease the chance of future injuries.

Manual therapy is a type of hands-on treatment that physical therapists use to help athletes recover from injuries and improve their physical performance.

This therapy involves using various manual techniques, such as massage, stretching, and joint mobilization, to manipulate soft tissue and joints of the body. It can also help to reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle tension while improving range of motion by increasing blood flow to affected areas. Manual therapy is often used to treat sports-related injuries, such as sprains, strains, and overuse injuries. It can also address imbalances or asymmetries in the body that may lead to injury or impair athletic performance.